How to harness the power of data?
What if you could integrate analytics directly into your applications - giving you access to insights when and where you need them!
No more jumping between tools—just faster, data-driven decisions.
Using Unicode to Support Multilingual Applications
The preferred way to store text is using strings that support Unicode since this allows a mix of characters from any language. When using Unicode strings, some features are useful to be aware of to avoid problems. Some of these features are also differences from non-unicode strings that should be considered, especially when converting an existing solution from non-unicode to Unicode.
The Metamodel Advantage in No-Code Development
Step back from your daily tasks and gain a broad perspective on how metamodels shape model-driven, no-code development. This article defines metamodels, application models, meta, and metadata. It highlights the vital importance of metamodel utilization in setting apart enterprise no-code platforms. It is crafted for Business Engineers and IT professionals seeking a deep understanding of these foundational concepts and their implications in the broader context of their work.
Can you create secure enterprise applications with no-code?
In an age where digital agility is paramount, no-code platforms offer a promising solution for enterprises looking to innovate rapidly. Can these platforms ensure the robust security required for enterprise-grade applications? This article explores the balance between the convenience of no-code solutions and the critical need for security in the enterprise environment.
Integrations made easy, but how?
Are you unable to automate your business processes because your data is spread across several systems? Or maybe your users complain about time-consuming manual tasks as information is spread across multiple applications? The answer to these challenges is obvious: integration.