W1 – Introduction and visual development

Online course
Architects, project managers, professionals, developers
5 chapters at your own pace
Access to material: Free
Access to environments: On request
Genus Academy
Create your first no-code application today! See the power of no-code and learn the basic concepts of creating applications
About this course
This online course provides students with basic knowledge about visual development and how to build no-code applications in Genus. This enables students to understand the Genus platform’s architecture and the benefits and features it offers.
Architects, project managers, business professionals, developers and anyone who wants to learn more about visual development, no-code technology and Genus.
In this course, you will be introduced to Genus and no-code application development. The course covers several topics, such as platform components and the building blocks of the App Model (e.g. data model, business- and application logic, and user interface). Furthermore, students will be introduced to the Business Intelligence tool in Genus called Genus Analytics and Insights.
After this course, students shall be able to describe what no-code is, the components of the Genus platform, how Genus can be integrated with an existing application landscape, typical use cases for building no-code applications, and the benefits of Genus. Students will also be able to make simple modifications to an App Model to change the behavior of an application.
In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this course should have the following technical knowledge:
Working knowledge of relational databases
Some experience with database design and data modeling