Legacy migration
ODIN cuts transaction cost by more than 60% and solves legacy migration
of orders automatically settled
transactions per month
reduction in price
ODIN case studies
“By establishing our unit holder registry in Genus, we have significantly reduced our costs and obtained a sustainable platform that supports all our current needs while being adaptable to future changes in the fund management industry”.
- Morten Sørli, CIO at Odin Forvaltning
ODIN Forvaltning is a leading Nordic fund management company. Being held back by legacy IT, they decided to migrate their unit holder registry.
Technical problems in an old system
When founded in the 90s, ODIN outsourced its unit holder registry to a third-party service provider. To keep up with the competition, ODIN realized that it had to migrate from the old platform.
“We had a lot of technical challenges with the master data management in our unitholder registry. In addition, new laws and regulations pushed us to update our core systems. As our industry and the world is changing, we wanted a robust and agile platform that could grow and evolve with us.”
- Morten Sørli, CIO at Odin Forvaltning
For Sørli, it wasn’t a question of whether to migrate from the old platform – but how and when. ODIN wanted control of their own data, to comply with laws and regulations, to innovate and develop new services. However, migration was viewed as risky.
“Our concern was to migrate a complex production system and at the same time provide our customers and partners with our ongoing, high quality and accurate services they expect.”
- Morten Sørli, CIO at ODIN Forvaltning

Small deliveries reduce risk and complexity
To help them evaluate possible technologies, ODIN hired help from a global technology advisory company. Together, they made these top evaluation criteria:
— Functionality and domain compatibility
— Price and future cost savings
— Integration capabilities toward existing interfaces
— Ability to adapt and scale the system to meet new business requirements
To cut migration risks, implementation was frequent and with independent parts of the solution. This approach also reduced complexity a lot.
The new unitholder registry consists of a complete order and settlement engine, including payment in different currencies, tax reporting, and reporting channels for all unitholders and distributors. The solution is fully integrated with ODINs online portal and includes functionality for anti-money laundering, business intelligence, commission calculation, and customer service.
Cut transaction costs by more than 60% and easy integration
“The migration to Genus has already resulted in considerable annual savings in operational expenses. One of the major savings has been a reduction in transaction costs.”
- Rune Selmar, CEO at ODIN Forvaltning
Besides cutting costs, ODIN highlights the quality of the solution, its ability to implement new functionality, and the control they now have over its own data.
“We definitely see many opportunities now that the new solution is implemented. Now that we control our own data, employees can be empowered to access the information from different places and devices. The solution is also easy to integrate with other systems and services such as public registries, banks, and payment networks. The time to implement and deploy new functionality and changes is now close to zero.”
- Morten Sørli, CIO at ODIN Forvaltning
The new solution contains about 77.000 active unitholders and more than 105.000 customer balances. It handles over 66.000 transactions per month, and at least 90% of all orders are automatically settled.
ODIN Forvaltning AS is a leading fund manager in Norway, offering mutual funds and bond funds with attractive pricing and profitable growth. Their business idea is to invest index-independent and value-based; it governs how they invest.
Since 1990, ODIN has created value through good management and advice. They currently have offices in Oslo, Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Helsinki.